What's happening on Daufuskie Island this week?

From Melrose On The Beach:
Greetings from Melrose Resort! Please join us Friday night for music from Positive Vibrations and our Oceanfront Low Country Boil and Oyster Roast, and remember, next Wednesday is all you can eat BBQ, call the Beach Club Restaurant for details!

From the Daufuskie Island Conservancy:
Saturday April 25 at 5:30pm
Please join us at the Haig Point Clubhouse for our annual Earth Day fundraiser and to celebrate the Conservancy’s founders and 10th anniversary. Silent auction, cocktails, a special buffet dinner prepared by Chef Jim McLain, dancing to music of the 70's and a presentation: “Living in Our Coastal Kingdom”, by Tony Mills, Education Director of the LowCountry Institute and star of South Carolina Educational Television’s “Coastal Kingdom”. Adults $35, children under 6 are free and children 6-12 $12
Please contact Karen Opderbeck: karenopderbeck@gmail.com / 843-842-3456 for tickets and more information.
Or click the RSVP button at www.daufuskieislandconservancy.org
Reservations needed by April 20.
Everyone is welcome!

The Daufuskie Island Conservancy in collaboration with the DI Fire Department and Beaufort County Open Land Trust will host a presentation of the Community Wildfire Protection Program for Daufuskie Island by the SC Forestry Commission (SCFC). It will be on Thursday, April 30th at The Island House in Melrose at 5:30 PM. This is the follow up to the presentation that the Forestry Commission made to us in November, 2013.
Firewise is a national program and is managed in South Carolina by the SCFC. The goal of the Firewise program is to educate communities about implementing local solutions for safety by involving homeowners in taking individual responsibility in preparing their homes for the risk of wildfire.
From the DI Conservancy and Haig Point:
Many thanks to the 50 adult volunteers and one child that participated in the Spring Beach Sweep on Saturday. The weather cooperated and the results were incredible. A full report will follow from the Daufuskie Island Conservancy and the Haig Point Environmental Committee. Special thanks to our sponsors Bloody Point, Haig Point and Melrose on the Beach for providing refreshments. Enormous thanks to Mike Loftus, Bill Nickels, Chase Allen, Bob Greene and Geoff Brunning for their removal of over 200 pieces of construction material and large items from the Bloody Point, Oak Ridge and Melrose beaches with their Gators and to Chase for the use of his large SUV and trailor to haul all those items to the County dump. Thanks to the Haig Point Maintenance for their continued maintenance of the beach road and for picking up the trash bags at the Haig Point location and to Len Pojednic for his hauling of the large items left on the Haig beach. We can take pride in our beaches for the season.

From Bloody Point:
Please note that the Eagle’s Nest Restaurant will be closed all day on Saturday, April 18th for a wedding.
Pizza Night is booming! Over 150 people joined us last week and space is very limited. We appreciate advanced dinner reservations for Pizza Night and other nights by calling 843-341-5522.
Daufuskie Peach - Spring Open House
Come join us to see our new bath and body products and enjoy light refreshments Friday April 24th 11:00-4:00pm and Saturday April 25th 1:00-5:00pm. At the home of Jan Crosby, 228 School Rd. Located between First Union AB Church and Mary Field School.

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