Updates from the Daufuskie Island Front Porch Newspaper

I want to thank the editor of the Daufuskie Island Front Porch Newspaper Paula Nickels for tirelessly keeping everyone updated on DI News:

Announcements and Reminders from the Daufuskie Island Front Porch
Daufuskie Island Front Porch

Dear Front Porch Readers,

Please note the following:

From the First Union African Baptist Church:
Join us this Sunday for special musical guest Bill Alston and the preaching of Pastor Clarence Edmondson. And then come down to the Mary Fields School following the service for a pot-luck fellowship meal.

From Melrose:
Greetings from Melrose! Join us tomorrow (weather permitting) for Bingo Bango Bongo at the Melrose Golf Club - call 843-422-6963 for details. Next Wednesday is All You Can Eat Crablegs at the Melrose Beach Club! Friday Night Oceanfront Low Country Boil and Oyster Roast is back - starting Friday April 3rd, live music by La Bodega!And remember to join us for Easter Brunch - 11-3 on Easter Sunday, April 5th - complete with live music with Jos Vicars and an amazing menu. Call the Melrose Beach Club at 843-241-2640 for reservations!

From the Daufuskie Island Fire Department:
The Fire Station has a supply of new Hargray telephone books. They are free to anyone who wants them. Come on by and get your copy.

From the Daufuskie Island Council:
What’s on your mind? As the new Daufuskie Island Council begins addressing the several issues facing our island, the Council is interested in learning more about your concerns and priorities. Please follow the link below to complete a short eleven question survey that will help guide the Council as they deal with county and state officials. The survey should take less than ten minutes to complete.

Thank-you for your participation!

From the Daufuskie Island Conservancy:

Saturday April 25 at 5:30pm Please join us at the Haig Point Clubhouse for our annual Earth Day fundraiser and to celebrate the Conservancy’s founders and 10th anniversary. Silent auction, cocktails, a special dinner prepared by Chef Jim McLain, dancing to music of the 70's and a presentation, “Living in Our Coastal Kingdom”, by Tony Mills, Education Director of the LowCountry Institute and star of South Carolina Educational Television’s “Coastal Kingdom”

Please contact Karen Opderbeck: karenopderbeck@gmail.com or 843-842-3456 for tickets and more information by April 20.
Everyone is welcome!
Saturday April 25 at 4:00pm
Please join us at the Mary Fields School for a FREE live animal demonstration for children and families with Tony Mills to learn more about Lowcountry reptiles and amphibians.
No reservations needed.
From Freeport Marina:
We are halfway done remodeling our cottages. In addition to much larger front porches that can accommodate our relaxing rocking chairs, the inside of our cottages are going to be stunning. Local Islander, Tony is doing all of the work.
We are in full swing as far as live entertainment goes. Freeport Marina will be hosting bands on Saturdays & Sundays for the rest of the season - band dates can be found on our Enjoy Daufuskie website.
Finally, we hope everyone is excited for the new menu the Old Daufuskie Crab Company will be offering next month. We will be featuring FRESH & LOCAL seafood. We also know have an additional bar that is available 7 days a week.


Best regards,

Paula Nickels
Editor, The Daufuskie Island Front Porch
Email: info@daufuskieislandfrontporch.com


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