Christmas Updastes from the The Daufuskie Island Front Porch News Paper

South Carolina Top Blogs

Dear Front Porch Readers,

Please note the following:

From the Daufuskie Island Community Farm & Artisan Village:
Holiday Tour of Homes at Bloody Point to benefit DI Community Farm
Friday, December 12, 1:00 - 4:00PM. Tour starts at the Eagles Nest. Refreshments will be served there and tickets may be purchased there at the door. $60.00 per person or $100.00 for two. Houses on the tour are the Silver's, Deitch's, Simonelli's and Loftus'. Please RSVP to Pat  Beichler for a head count for the food. 678-897-0942 or email:
From the DI Co-Op:
The Annual DI Christmas Parade will be Saturday, December 13th at 3:00PM. Parade line up will be at the DI Community farm and the parade will end at Marshsides Mamas. Santa and Mrs Claus will be on hand for all the children. Bring your best floats because there will be cash prizes. Donations are always appreciated and will go toward the Christmas tree and decorations. Additionally, each child will receive a stocking full of goodies from Santa and desserts will be provided for everyone. Checks should be made out to Daufuskie IslandChristmas Parade and mailed to Laura Leigh Miles PO Box 10 Daufuskie island, SC 29915.
From the Daufuskie Island Elementary School:
Please join us December 17th at 6:00PM for our annual Christmas play being held at the Daufuskie Island Firehouse. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
From DI Historical Foundation:
You are invited to shop for distinctively Low country/Daufuskie Island holiday gifts at the Daufuskie Island Historical Foundation’s Billie Burn Museum. There are books and toys for children, as well as a variety of goodies for adults. The Museum is open Tuesday – Saturday, 12:30 – 3:30.  Y’all come now!

Best regards,

Paula Nickels
Editor, The Daufuskie Island Front Porch


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