Updates from the Daufuskie Island Front Porch News

South Carolina Top Blogs
Dear Front Porch Readers,

Please note the following:

As most of you have heard, beloved islander Chris Hutton passed away last weekend. The Hutton family would like to invite everyone to a Celebration of Life to be held at Marshside Mama’s on Sunday, November 30, at 1:00PM. The Huttons have asked that you bring stories and photos of Chris to share.
Bring your own libations. Light appetizers will be provided.
A golf tournament and silent auction to benefit the Hutton family will be held on December 7th at Bloody Point Golf Club and Eagle's Nest Restaurant. All proceeds will go directly to the Hutton family. If you are interested in playing in the tournament please call the Pro-Shop 843-341-5566. If you are interested in donating items for the auctions, please contact Haley Casey via facebook, or email her at haleybcasey@gmail.com
Those who would like their gift to be tax deductible, the Daufuskie Island Community Foundation is a 501-c-3 organization that is also available as a giving option. You can make checks out to Daufuskie Island Community Foundation, write "Hutton" in the memo section, and give the checks to either Aaron Crosby or Milton Deitch, or mail them to the Daufuskie Island Community Foundation c/o Aaron Crosby, PO Box 71 Daufuskie Island SC 29915. You can also contact Aaron via e-mail at Aaron.crosby1@gmail.com for further information
From the Front Porch:
Join us for our 3rd annual 5K Walk/Run Benefit on Saturday, November 29th. The race will start and end at the Melrose Beach Club at 11:00AM, registration at 10:30AM. All race participants will receive a complimentary T Shirt.

Immediately following the race we will be hosting "A Taste of Daufuskie”. Come sample dishes from 9 island chefs and vote for your favorite. $15 donation to the Daufuskie Island Front Porch.
All Daufuskie restaurant venues will be participating. The DI Conservancy, Historical Foundation and Community Farm will also be represented with information and gift items available for sale. Join us for a great day of food and fun!
From the Daufuskie Island Community Farm & Artisan Village
Come join us at the Daufuskie Community Farm, 348 Haig Point Road, for the
Third Daufuskie Community Farm/Artisan Village Festival
Stop by anytime from noon until 4:PM
There will be animals, information booths, handmade on Daufuskie items for sale & artisans working on their crafts.
Sign up for artisan classes, enjoy hot dogs, chili, gumbo, salads, baked potatoes, desserts, iced tea, coffee, lemonade, sweet tea
Donations appreciated. We are a 501(c)(3).
From Bloody Point:
Holiday Hours of Operation & Revised Calendar
Beginning December 1st, The Eagle's Nest Restaurant will be closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays through February 2015. The golf course will also be closed for play on those days, although the Pro Shop will remain open. Limited hours of operation may apply.
Holiday Get Togethers & Sales:
Those who are not braving Black Friday at the Tanger Outlet, are invited for tea and cookies and to see what I have been up to in the way of gorgeous hand-woven scarves and shawls: Friday, November 28, 11-4 PM. Sara Deitch, 94 Fuskie Lane, or call 341-5705.
The Annual DI Christmas Parade will be Saturday, December 13th at 3:00PM. Parade line up will be at the DI Community farm and parade will end at Marshsides Mamas. Santa and Mrs Claus will be on hand for all the children. Bring your best floats because their will be cash prizes .Donations are always appreciated and will go toward the Christmas tree and decorations. Additionally, each child will receive a stocking full of goodies from Santa and desserts will be provided for everyone. Checks should be made out to Daufuskie islandChristmas Parade and mailed to Laura Leigh Miles PO Box 10 Daufuskie island, SC 29915.
From DI Historic Foundation:
You are invited to shop for distinctively Lowcountry/Daufuskie Island holiday gifts at the Daufuskie Island Historical Foundation’s Billie Burn Museum. There are books and toys for children, as well as a variety of goodies for adults. The Museum is open Tuesday – Saturday, 12:30 – 3:30.  Y’all come now!

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving,

Paula Nickels
Editor, The Daufuskie Island Front Porch


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