Updates from the Daufuskie Island Front Porch News

Dear Front Porch Readers,

Please note the following:

From the Farmer’s Market:
Every Saturday from 11AM until 1PM.
Located at the County Dock at the end of Haig Point Road (next to Marshside
From the First Union African Baptist Church:

Vacation Bible School is returning to Daufuskie. The week of July 15-19, VBS will be held at the First Union African Baptist Church on School Road. More details to follow, but let the excitement begin.
This Sunday, please join us at the First Union African Baptist Church for a fantastic worship experience, featuring the music of Bill Alston and the preaching of Dr. Clarence Edmondson. Bible Study starts at 9:20, with the Church Service and Children's Chapel starting at 10:00 am. All are welcome!
From Bloody Point Golf Club:

1st Annual Firecracker Open Shotgun Start
July 3rd, 10AM
Call 843.341.5566 to sign up!
Join us for our 2nd Annual 4th of July Celebration!!
Noon - 6:00PM, Free Admission
BBQ Grill Out, Oyster Roast, Cart Parade, Face painting, Inflatables, Slide
Pool Open to the Public!
Cart Parade Lineup - 2:30PM, Cart Parade - 3:00PM
Cart Parade Categories: Most Original, Most Daufuskie, Most Patriotic. Winners receive $50 Gift Card!
From Melrose on the Beach:

Pool • Picnic • Party
4th of July at Melrose on the Beach
What’s more American than American Idol?
Celebrate the 4th of July with American Idol Season 10 Finalist
Casey Abrams
We’ll Provide the Red and Blue ... You Wear the White!
Join us at the Beach Club on Thursday, July 4th:
• Poolside Cocktails • All-American Buffet • Live Concert with American Idol Finalist
All-American Buffet Dinner featuring:
$20/children 13 and under
children 5 and under free
6:00 - Poolside Cocktail Party with DJ
7:00 - Dinner
7:45 - 9:00
Casey Abrams LIVE in Concert
Open to the Public - No Charge
Cash Bar
After Concert - Enjoy Hilton Head and Savannah fireworks from Melrose Beach
Bring Your Own Blankets and Beach Chairs
Best regards,

Paula Nickels
Editor, the Daufuskie Front Porch

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