Updates from the Daufuskie Island Front Porch News. What is happening this week on Daufuskie Island?

Dear Front Porch Readers,

Please note the following:

Just a reminder that the Daufuskie Community Farm annual meeting and picnic lunch will be this Saturday, May 18th beginning at 12:00 noon. There will be a very brief business meeting followed by a short Power Point picture presentation of “The Farms Journey to the Present” For anyone available that would like to pitch in and help with cleanup of the farm we will begin that earlier at 10 am. Please RSVP so we have a head count to: bowwow@hargray.com

Farmers’ Market-Grand Opening!
Saturday, May 25th (Memorial Day weekend)
11:00-1:00 at the County Dock
The Daufuskie Artisan Village Celebration announced for Sunday, May 26th from 3:00-5:00 at Melrose Sportsman's Lodge has been postponed. New Date to follow shortly. Thank you for all your responses.
The Daufuskie Island Fire District, in conjunction with Beaufort County, will conduct a Reverse 911 test on May 31, 2013 starting at 6:00 PM and ending around 9:00 PM. The purpose of the test is to assure that the Reverse 911 system is working on Daufuskie Island and to work out any deficiencies that may arise before a disaster occurs.
The Reverse 911 system was designed to alert a precise group of people in Beaufort County that an emergency has or is about to occur in a specific geographical area. This system may give specific instructions on your land line phone number based on the emergency event.
If you did not receive notification of this test on your land line during the time the test was made, you should contact Curtis Young at cyoung@bcgov.net. Advise Curtis that you did not receive notification and give him that land line phone number.
This test does not apply to cell phones!

Eddie Boys, Chief

Please, folks, be considerate. The Library is happy to receive recent print publications, movie DVDs, audiobook CDs and Lowcountry titles. BUT, the Library is NOT a dumping ground for your discarded books. Recently someone left nine boxes of books on the Museum porch, including a phone book and 1991 PDR. This is not fair. We are not in the used book business; do not have the means to handle these books. The Bargain Box and Friends of Hilton Head Library will happily receive your discarded books. For Haig Pointers, they will even pick up at Embarkation on Hilton Head. Just give them a call. Please be selective – your gifts of shopping bag size are appreciated, multiple boxes are not.

Best regards,

Paula Nickels
Editor, The Daufuskie Front Porch

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