Update from Melrose on the Beach about The Marsh Tacky Races

From Melrose on the Beach:

The Marsh Tacky Beach Races are less than 30 days away! Your support is needed for the Marsh Tacky Homecoming Silent Auction and Fundraiser on Friday, April 26th from 5:30 - 7:30PM inside the newly reappointed Sportsman's Lodge at Melrose Equestrian Center. For $25/person, join us to ring-in the beginning of this historical weekend that will mark the Homecoming of the prized and endangered Marsh Tacky Horse back to Daufuskie Island. Enjoy an exclusive meet-n-greet the race horses and a 15-minute slideshow presentation by the Carolina Marsh Tacky Association followed by bidding on a fabulous array of local products and services. Complimentary appetizers and cash bar. All ticket and silent auction sales benefit the non-profit Carolina Marsh Tacky Association. To purchase tickets or donate silent auction items please call 843-341-2922 or click www.marshtackyhomecoming.eventbrite.com. We still need silent auction item donations! Items donated with a fair market value of over $250 receive two complimentary VIP access wristbands to the races on Saturday, April 27th ($100 value)!

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