Updates from the Daufuskie Front Porch News

ONLY THREE SATURDAYS LEFT TO GET FREE ASSISTANCE AND ELECTRONIC FILING OF FEDERAL AND STATE TAX RETURNS. Assistance from AARP Foundations will be available on Daufuskie on Saturdays, March 23, April 6, and April 13. Make your appointment now by calling Pat Dempsey at 686-6270 as soon as possible to ensure there is help available.
From Melrose on the Beach:
Marsh Tacky Beach Races are on the agenda for the next DI Council meeting on Monday, March 18 from 5:30-6:30 at Mary Fields School. Attendees will have a chance to learn more about the races and get involved via volunteer, vendor or sponsorship opportunities. For more information about the races, please visit www.marshtackybeachracedaufuskie.com
From the Daufuskie Crab Company:
The Daufuskie Crab Company will be serving corned beef, cabbage, and red bliss potatoes for $9.95 on Saturday and Sunday from 11AM til 9PM. We will also have $4 Jameson shots available Saturday and Sunday.

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