Want a great trip over to Daufuskie Island?

The Daufuskie Island Conservancy Presents "Waterways Excursion on the Tammy Jane" Monday, February 11, 2013 from 1:00-3:30PM leaving the Dock at Hudson's Seafood Restaurant, 1 Hudson Rd. off of Squire Pope Road, Hilton Head. Cruise around Pinckney National Wildlife Refuge on the Skull and Mackay Creeks. Open to first 25 with paid reservations. Conservancy members: $35 and Non-Members: $60.00. For reservations email Yvonne Clemons at yclemons@columbus.rr.com. Checks made out to the Daufuskie Island Conservancy or cash may be put in the Haig Point Mansion cubby of Yvonne Clemons.

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