Updates from the Daufuskie Island Front Porch Newspaper

Dear Front Porch Readers,

Please note the following:

From the DI Historical Foundation

SAVE THE DATE: The annual membership meeting and dinner of the Daufuskie Island Historical Foundation will be held Tuesday, March 19. The guest speaker will be Scott Smith, Executive Director of Savannah’s Coastal Heritage Society, whose topic will be the Revolutionary War in the Lowcountry. Look for invitations and reservation information later this month.


From the DI Conservancy

Daufuskie Island Conservancy - Island Dumping Project - Save the Dates. The Island Dumping Project will be explained at the DIC Meeting on Monday, February 18, 2013 at 5:30 PM at Mary Fields School.
Saturday, February 23, 2013 at Mary Fields School volunteers will meet at 11:00 AM for a cooked lunch, assignment of Clean Up Teams, go to the dumping sites assigned and only remove debris that can be easily and safely picked up. Volunteers are appreciated.


FREE ASSISTANCE AND FILING OF FEDERAL AND STATE TAX RETURNS, sponsored by the AARP Foundation is now available on Daufuskie Island, Saturdays, from February 16, 2013 through April 13, 2013. This service is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. If you would like to make an appointment, or learn more about the program, call Pat Dempsey at 686-6270 as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Paula Nickels
Editor, The Daufuskie Front Porch

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