Update from the Daufuskie Front Porch

South Carolina Top BlogsOn Monday, April 30th there will be a public hearing for property owners to voice their objections to a major increase in water and sewer rates. This hearing will be held at the Haig Point Clubhouse at 6:00 PM and is open to all Daufuskie property owners and stake holders.
Please make every effort to attend. The Daufuskie Island Utility Company is seeking a rate increase of over 100%.
2012 Phone books are available at the DI Firehouse. Stop by and pick yours up.
Singer-Songwriter Wendell Matthews is booking parties for the summer.
Upgrade your event with his live acoustic music. All your favorite
cover songs and Wendell's originals. He also gives guitar lessons.
Contact Wendell at 843-325-5803 and
wendellmatthews@gmail.com. Hear
his original music at www.reverbnation.com/wendellmatthews and



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