Meeting on January 29th at the Eagle's Nest at Bloody Point

Dear Front Porch Readers, Please note the following message from the Daufuskie Island Council: Please join your Daufuskie Island Council for a "Meet-N-Greet" Sunday, January, 29, 3:00-5:00 PM at the Eagle's Nest at Bloody Point. This is not a meeting, but an informal gathering and an opportunity to meet current, out-going and present nominees. It is your time to discuss with them your comments, concerns and/or questions regarding our beautiful island. Spread the word and get involved... we need you! Appetizers and non-alcoholic beverages will be complimentary. Cash bar for beer and wine. Please plan to stay for dinner if you can! See you on the 29th!! The DI Council will hold its yearly election on February 11, 2012 at the Mary Field School starting at 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM. A candidate forum will be held on February 4, 2012 at the Mary Fields School at 9:30 AM. This forum will enable candidates to discuss their positions and allow residents to ask questions. If you are unable to attend the day of the vote, proxy ballots can be submitted to Mr. Chris Hutton at P.O. Box 51, Daufuskie Island S.C. 29915. For ballot copies go to Ballots must be received by 3:00 PM on February 11. All proxies must be submitted with a copy of a a verification document. Valid verification documents are: local voter registration card, current property tax document, local driver's license, Palmetto Breeze ID. Best regards, Paula Nickels Editor, The Daufuskie Front Porch South Carolina Top Blogs


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