Millie gives thanks to be from Daufuskie Island and I give thanks to be able to visit

Give Thanks Posted on November 27, 2010 by millieledbetter “Give thanks to the Lord, Our God and King, His love endures forever.” It has been so wonderful to be at home for this Thanksgiving break. It’s nice to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city every now and then. I don’t realize how fast paced Manhattan is until I come home to an island in South Carolina that houses about 200 people. I love coming here because it gives me a breath of fresh air and allows me to relax with the Lord’s beauty around me. This break has been a wonderful time with my family and friends. I started the break off in Atlanta for a couple of days. (My parents still have a little place there so we can go to the doctor’s office and see friends and family.) While in Atlanta, I got to see Jordan and some friends that I haven’t seen in a while! It’s always a nice treat to be able to stop in Atlanta every now and then. I miss that city. However, once I step foot on Daufuskie Island, I forget about Atlanta and realize how blessed my family and I are to live in such a special place. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays (besides Christmas) because it means family time, food, and football. It’s a holiday where you are reminded of the things you are thankful for. (I personally believe we should give thanks every day for everything the Lord has blessed us with!) I love being able to sit around the table with my family and share my thanks with them. The main thing I am thankful for this year is supportive parents who have supported me throughout college and continue to support me in NYC. They have been with me every step of the way while I try and pursue a career that is tough and requires a lot of work. They have devoted time, money, and prayers for twenty-three years of my life. I am so thankful and so blessed. I know that no matter what I decide to do in my life, they will be right beside me, cheering me on. All of the things I am thankful for this year are all possible because of God. He has provided me and my family with everything that we have. Thanksgiving is just another day where we get to praise Him and His many blessings. On a side note, Auburn beat Alabama and there is not better joy than sitting and watching football with your family. We screamed, we cursed, and we celebrated. War eagle! About millieledbetter New York City. I never thought I would call this place my home. View all posts by millieledbetter → This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink.


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