New Business for me

I normally only publish business ventures that bring in direct revenue to daufuskie island like the local island merchants but I am the blogster so I wanted to let everyone on the island know that I have left my vice president position at Charles Schwab, Inc. and formed my own Registered Investment Advisory Business in Atlanta, clearing all the investments through Fidelity Investments. I am very excited about my new venture. My company contact info: Platinum Investment Advisors, Inc. Kristine Suber Hanchar, President, Wealth Strategist 6065 Lake Forrest Drive Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328 404-593-7707 I will edit this post with my new website once it is up and running, and this is the last post I will make that is not exclusively about Daufuskie Island because that truely is where my heart and mind is at. I pray that one day I will have a Daufuskie Satalite Office.


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