Daufuskie Island My Birthday 2009/ Melrose Golf Club is Opened Again

It was a fabulous Memorial Day Weekend in Daufuskie Island with 9 friends and good wine in one house. We saw a huge Alligator at Bloody Point, Golfers, and partied at Marshside Mamas for my 40th Birthday.
John Cougar Mellancamp and Ellaine Irwin Mellancamps new beach house at Bloody Point is coming along nicely. I really love the moorish influence of the windows and all the covered porches and of course the infinity pool. Excellent taste Ellaine.
I finally bought a blue fish and can't wait to get the blue crab from Chase Allen at the Iron Fish Gallery. He is so talented. Our friend Claire bought almost the same fish as she has a blue porch to hang it on. I didn't want to leave after the long Memorial Day weekend DI is so great. All of my friends went to a festival on Sunday afternoon at Freeport Marina and fun was had by all. Too bad most of those pics can not be posted on facebook or my blog.


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